Monthly Archives: November 2020

Let’s Begin To Think…

Like many folks, the elections were the end of a “long road”. Lots of folks had ideas and thought process long before election day. 

I have a number of friends who have had a lot of thought process and thinking about what could be better. 

Course Hero tells us, “In general, there are four main purposes of government: to establish laws, maintain order and provide security, protect citizens from external threats, and promote the general welfare by providing public services.” 

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Why are we beginning this?

It is my hope that we can begin to gather people who… 

To see change, will require several things, but I think these will be the main ones. 

I always come back to this thought. If you want to change something this big, you will need to do it on a local level, long before you put a stranglehold on the top. 

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